Australia's Leading Supplier of Horse Supplements
Herdz has the largest range of horse supplements available online in Australia. Everything you need for your horse in one place. All your horse supplements, wormers and first aid supplies.
To find the product you need, simply click on the category or manufacturer.
All your well known brands like KER, CEVA, Troy, Ranvet, NRG, Virbac, IAH, Kelato, TuffRock, Equitec, Technyflex and many more are in stock ready to ship to all parts of Australia.
To find the supplement you are searching for, look down the sub-categories and click on the category that you think will best describe the purpose of the supplement. Then search through the products listed under that category or if you know the manufuacturer of the supplement, go down to the next menu and click on the manufacturers name.
If you are still unable to find the supplement you are looking for, give us a call.
Horse Supplies
CEN Electrolyte 10kg
Staying Power 500mL
CEN CF50 6.5kg
Ranvet Electrolyte Replacer 2kg
Livamol with BioWorma
Starting at $124.95 $144.95
RANVET Recovery Aid Paste 80mL
Hemp Hulls and Hearts - 12kg
Livamol with Bioworma 15kg
Mitavite Cool Crusada 20kg
Paraffin Oil - Vetsense Gen-pack
Starting at $19.95 $21.95
Applemax Gold 120mL
Bimectin Paste
Easymec - 4 * 17.5g Sachets
Easiflex HA Liquid Sodium Hyaluronate
Starting at $49.95 $58.95
Equine Pure Delights Treats 500g - Apple and Cinnamon
Diamond Frog Dressing 118mL
Kohnke's Own Reboot HOOF
Starting at $49.95 $54.95
Prydes EasiKeeper 20kg
Vytrate Liquid 1 Lt
Ranvet Flexi-joint Plus
Starting at $139.95 $149.95
Axis Worm Paste
Rebound Hoof Pack 1.6kg
Vetsense Brewers Yeast - 2kg
Oralx Tyrosine 34g
CEN Ulcer Protect
Starting at $114.95