Cell-Vital Premium - Kohnke's Own

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Cell-Vital Premium

Concentrated Mineral, Trace-Mineral and Vitamin Supplement for Racing and Performance Horses. For the full range of essential nutrients in the ultimate ‘all-in-one’ Supplement!

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Cell-Vital Premium 3.5kg

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Special Price $95.95 Regular Price $104.95

Cell-Vital Premium 20kg

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Special Price $429.95 Regular Price $432.65

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Special Price $95.95 Regular Price $104.95

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Special Price $429.95 Regular Price $432.65

Cell-Vital Premium

Manufactured by Kohnke's Own

Cell-Vital Premium is a concentrated Mineral, Trace-Mineral and Vitamin Supplement for Racing and Performance Horses. Cell Vital Premium is suitable for:

  • Race Horses – in full training and racing.
  • Performance Horses – upper level training and competition>

Cost effective and easy to use, Cell-Vital Premium is ideal for home-mixed grain, chaff and hay based rations.  You only need to add salt or Cell-Salts to feeds, saving both time and money.  No need for lots of different supplements – provides all the calcium, trace-minerals, iron and vitamins needed to make up shortfalls in the feed- saves time, waste and confusion at feed-up time – just one daily ‘all-in-one’ supplement.

Cell-Vital Premium is palatable, which avoids sift out, dust, sludging and nutrient inter-actions during storage and in the feed.

Dosage Rates:

 Adult Horses  400-475 kg Body Weight 475-550 kgBody Weight 
Racehorses in regular training and racing.Upper Level Equestrian horses in frequent competition.  50g Morning and Night.  60g Morning and Night.
 Early Training for Racing. 120g Daily for up to 6 weeks as horses adapt to the demands of fast work, the the daily dose may be reduced to 80g during long term conditioning. It is recommended to give 100-120 g daily for 3-4 days before trailling or strenuous pre-race exercise, or onse a regular training and racing/competition schedule is commenced.
 Spelling Horses resting from racing upper level competition. Provide the normal daily dose in feed twice daily for 10-14 days after turn out, reducing to hald the daily amount as a long-term maintenance when grazing on good pasture.   

Kohnke's Handy Hint: 

Cell-Vital Premium can be used at a dosage rate of 80g (2 scoops) daily during routine training, increasing to 120g (3 scoops) on the last 3nights before racing or competition.

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